About the Author - Simon Watson

Simon lives close to the nearby village of Denholm, and has long had an interest in Cavers  house and the estate.  He is fascinated by the idea that a small town or village can almost completely disappear from existence and leave so little trace of it ever having been there.  "There were 9 pubs here !" he explained, "... and that means that there was enough of a population to support them all ... where has it all gone ?"

"Polwarth is the same, over in Berwickshire," he continues, "... and all that remains there are a few remaining houses and the famous Polwarth Thorn.  There isn't even a hint of the fact that it was once a thriving, busy wee community.   It's quite sad, really .... all those lives lived there, and now there is nothing to remember them by.  It's just ... sad."

In his free time, Simon has many interests, including working in the garden, music, and tinkering with broken things.  "Any excuse to get out of the house into my workshop," he says, "... because I'm happiest when I am taking things to bits and working out how to fix them !"

Updated 26th January 2024.

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